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Message to Korean Canadian Cultural Association

Korean Canadian Cultural Association - Korean organization in North York ON

Korean Canadian Cultural Association

(416) 383-0777
(416) 383-0777


Cultural Charity Non Profit

About Korean Canadian Cultural Association

The Korean Canadian Cultural Association ("KCCA") is the largest organization of its kind in Canada and it directly serves the 120,000 Koreans living in the Greater Toronto Area. The KCCA was established in 1965 and received its charitable organization status in 1976.

KCCA is a community-based, not-for-profit charitable organization. For the last 52 years, KCCA has played a critical role in promoting an understanding and appreciation of the Korean culture and heritage to Canadians of all backgrounds. The KCCA organizes and runs programs and events centered on the promotion of Korean culture and encouraging cultural understanding within Canada.

It is our mission to create ways for Canadians to engage with Korean culture and preserve it for following generations to experience. We strive to be an organization which uses education and entertainment to facilitate opportunities for people of all backgrounds to come together and experience the wonderful traditions of Korea.


Primary Office Location

pin 1133 Leslie St North York Canada M3C 2J6

pin (416) 383-0777

Social Media

Facebook page for Korean Canadian Cultural Association - Korean organization in North York Instagram page for Korean Canadian Cultural Association - Korean organization in North York Instagram page for Korean Canadian Cultural Association - Korean organization in North York LinkedIn page for Korean Canadian Cultural Association - Korean organization in North York
Message Korean Canadian Cultural Association
(416) 383-0777