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Message to Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston

Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston - Korean  in Newton MA

Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston

Government of Korea
(617) 641-2830
(617) 641-2830

About Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston

The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea covers as its jurisdiction five of the states in the New England region: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Maine, and Vermont.

The Consulate’s main missions are to promote the rights and interests of the Korean community in the region; to provide various consular services including visas and passports; and to strengthen the friendly relationship between Korea and the New England region.


Primary Office Location

pin 300 Washington Street, Suite 251 Newton MA 02458

pin (617) 641-2830

Social Media

Facebook page for Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston - Korean  in Newton Instagram page for Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston - Korean  in Newton
Message Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Boston
(617) 641-2830